Hey everyone Kylie here with your Alexohol Fashions update!
It's been almost a month since we opened the first little itty bitty shop and I don't think Alex or I thought we would grow this quickly! From the first shop at Arch Angel, to our first mainstore and then opening Alexohol for Men right beside it, it's been a blur of activity!
With some bad news, sometimes comes good and that was the case last weekend when we found out that our South Beach mainstore location was closing. Alex and I had been discussing finding space for a larger mainstore anyhow because we were rapidly running out of space to showcase the latest and greatest that Alex has been busy creating but were going to hold off for the moment. Our best wishes to Dirk and we're very sorry that South Beach had to close BUT we had a new location up in a matter of a few hours in Vanilla Sky! (ed note: Alex is rolling her eyes at the "we" I was out of town when this all happened)
Alexohol Mainstore
Isn't it awesome!?!?! There are spacious rooms where our separate lines are being showcased: Boys, you'll find Alexohol for Men to the Left on the ground floor. Ladies, our casual and bikini lines to the right! Upstairs we have our midnight mania boards and ladies bridal, military as well as sports!
We're thrilled to have this as our new home! We have plenty of room to grow, more on that later, Alex should be posting an update with all the things she's been busy working on!
But wait! That's not nearly the only place you can get your Alexohol fix! We have 4 other great locations!
First up is our cute kiosk we won to have for 90 days at Lacie Cakes! Lacie Chambers graciously put out a contest for new SL business owners to showcase their original creations and we were very excited to be selected! While you're there? Check out Lacie's store, filled with great jewelry, accessories and more! Many of my friends comment on the awesome necklace I always seem to be wearing and that's where it's from!
Alexohol @ Lacie Cakes
Next we have our location at Cheers Erotic Moods Resort. Sorry boys! Ladies only here please! Cheerful Jewell and Virta Rhode have been friends of mine since I started SL and they've created a club, shopping area, romantic spots and residential areas for women only. We're excited to also announce that we'll be sponsoring an upcoming fashion show here, featuring some exclusive items for Cheers! Details once we have them so stay tuned!
Alexohol @ Cheers Erotic Moods
Location #4 in the Alexohol Fashions growing empire is located at the SatisFashion mall! SatisFashion is operated by the delicious diva Jodie Szapira and friends and we're also proud to be a part of their upcoming SatisFashion grid hunt with hand picked and selected offerings from some of the top designers in SL! While you're there, check out the wall with a preview of who and what will be included in the hunt!
Alexohol @ SatisFashion Mall!
Our last and most certainly not least newest location is one very near and dear to both Alex and I as you've read, this is what started it all! Our Men and Women in service to their country! We are very proud to announce our opening of Alexohol at the US Military Veterans Center, where we have our full line of Mens and Womens military wear: Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard tees, tanks, tops and more. We are also donating 50% of each sale made there back to the US Military Veterans Center. If you, or if someone you know is in the US Armed Forces, this is a must see in Second Life, please stop in and support those who have given and sacrificed so much for our freedom that amongst other things, allows us to have a place like Second Life.
Alexohol @ US Military Vets Center
That's all I have time for now folks! Take care and we'll see you at Alexohol!
2 years ago
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