Hey everyone!
OMG it's Kylie with a very Happy Halloween update about what's goin' on @ Alexohol and what's gonna be goin' on here in the next few weeks!
October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Alexohol, well Alex, organized Pretty In Pink- Second Life Vendors Banding Together to Raise Breast Cancer Awareness. Pretty In Pink Blog To the 60 vendors that participated, and to all vendors SL wide that I saw donation kiosks or other Making Strides for sale items we give you all a huge heartfelt *MUAH* from Alex, Ema, Erica & I. I'm still waiting on the official tally of what we were able to raise at Alexohol and some of the events we sponsored or participated in over the month and will announce it in a later post! Vendors, have a story to share or wanna let us know how much was raised at your shop or event? Let us know by whispering it into our naughty box at alexohol@yahoo.com. Thank you all so much to those who bought our items or just outright donated lindens! Wait? You don't have your save the ta-ta's tank or save second base tee? It's not too late, come by the mainstore and they will still be available, look upstairs!
Some of you may have seen outside our main entrance a donation box to support VFW Operation uplink. VFW Operation Uplink™ was launched in 1996 to connect active-duty troops and hospitalized veterans with their loved ones. The program uses contributions from supporters to purchase phone time for the men and women who are serving -- or have served -- this great nation, as well as hospitalized veterans.
Operation Uplink is able to provide these phone calls at US$ just 4 cents per minute. That's only 60 cents for a 15 minute phone call for an active-duty troop to be able to call home to a loved one. In L$, that would mean just L$10 for one minute or L$155 for a 15 minute call home. So, every donation definately makes a huge difference. Alexohol Fashions supports our troops and supports the VFW Operation Uplink™ to help our active-duty troops be able to make a phone call home to a loved one.
This kiosk has been outside our doors for a little over a month now and we hear from their organizers that we've got amongst the highest donation rate and 'hit' rate of anywhere they have information or donation centers set up and we truly appreciate each and everyone of you who has donated or made inquiry to what they're doing!
November hunts? I'm going to let Ema or Erica update those later. I'm so lost what hunts have started, when they are, whats in them..... yeah. That's probably best for everyone involved.
Heatwave is... well, heating up! Tomorrow is the first day that we'll be accepting the gifts. Look for a preview board at the mainstore soon as we get previews ready, etc. Check the blog THE HEATWAVE HUNT for previews and a list of participating shops anddddd, do you know a store that should be in? Help us get the word out! The application is there as well.
New dresses coming out soon! Did you like the addiction dress? You'll love afflicted then and soon after Rehabed and a line of mini dresses that also look great with just the top as a tank top! For the pretty kitties out there, we will have some neko exclusive clothing coming soon and stay tuned for details regarding an Alexohol ONLY hunt that will take place sometime in the month of November as we will be celebrating opening our 20th location!
New joints to get your fix!
Alexohol @ Glitterati
Alexohol @ Studio Nails
Alexohol @ Nocturnal Cravings
Alexohol @ Serendipity Mall
Is there more? HELLS YUSSSSSSSSSS! But, that's for later! :) hugs, love and cocktails!
Alex, Ema, Erica & Me
2 years ago